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New World Hacks Detected Free
Upgrade Your Fishing Game with New World's Sleeping Fisherman Bot v2.0.2
New World Fishing Bot is a customizable cheat that automatically fishes for you while you can stay afk or do something else. Download it for free, extract the files in the rar file into a folder, and launch New World. The bot has a variety of features to make your auto fishing experience even better, including customizable cast-power, repair after X runs, anti anti-afk, high tension mode, and more. While it currently does not allow automatic bait equip, the developer is considering adding it if v2 works well. Let New World Fishing Bot do the work for you and start enjoying the game!

Attention all New World players!
Are you tired of spending hours fishing for resources and items? Do you want to improve your factions and level up faster? Look no further than New World Fishing Bot! This cheat is completely customizable and automatically fishes for you while you can stay afk or do something else.
But how do you use this amazing tool? It's simple! First, download New World Fishing Bot (Sleeping Fisherman) for free at https://hackshub.co/new_world_hacks. Then, extract the files in the rar file into a folder and launch New World. Open the folder where the files are and run SleepingFisherman.exe. Voila! You can now enjoy the game while the bot does the fishing for you.
New World Fishing Bot has a variety of features to make your auto fishing experience even better. You can:
- set cast-power
- repair after X runs (optional)
- use anti anti-afk (optional)
- high tension mode (optional)
- stop the bot when encumbered (optional)
You can also:
- edit tolerances for image/color detections
- customize images/colors/areas
- save/reload/reset settings
- set free look key to either Left-ALT or B
- save/load game window location
- use randomized offset click-location for repair
- randomized cast-power offset
- randomized delays
It's important to note that v2 of New World Fishing Bot - Sleeping Fisherman is focused on making it customizable and working for any resolution. However, 4k would be pretty slow in detecting images, as it has to search 4 times more pixels than on 1920x1080 for example. It comes with default settings for 1920x1080 FullHD FULLSCREEN pre-configured and has an image/color preset for 2560x1440 WQHD FULLSCREEN (you still have to set the areas on WQHD). For other resolutions or if you run into problems with image/color detection, you can edit the images, colors, and areas.
Please note that it currently does not allow automatic bait equip, but the developer is considering adding it if v2 works well. If your raw video data causes the game to look different than with all default (contrast/brightness/etc.) INGAME and in Windows/AMD/Nvidia settings, you would also need to either make all default or capture/pick your own images/colors.
In conclusion, New World Fishing Bot is a game-changer for any player looking to level up faster and improve their factions. Download it for free at https://hackshub.co/new_world_hacks and start enjoying the game while the bot does the fishing for you. Don't waste any more time on boring fishing - let New World Fishing Bot do the work for you!